15 People In The Mainstream Media Who Used The UVA Rape Hoax To Push A False Narrative

The mainstream media is infested with far left sycophants who care not about truth and justice but pushing their delusional narrative upon us all. Here are 15 individuals who used the massive hoax of the UVA gang rape as an opportunity to spread their mytical “rape culture” views.
Dena Takruri – Presenter and producer for Al Jazeera

Ben Adler – Journalist for Grist

Taylor Dobbs – Reporter for Vermont Public Radio

Nicole Beemsterboer – Senior producer at NPR

Paul Glader – Contributor to Forbes, Business Week, and the New Yorker

Kaelyn Forde – Reporter for Al Jazeera America

Mark Moford – Columnist for SF Chronicle

Jena Friedman – Read More

Source: Return of Kings