Flirt online with style: Choose the best online dating site only

The brain does not need more than a tenth of a second to evaluate the first impression. However, this looks a bit different with online dating than in real life. Here, users spend an average of five seconds on each profile. For this reason, casual daters with an original and meaningful profile have better chances to make a lasting impression. A list of hobbies such as sports, activities and interests or the favorite films and books represent everyday life and also tell something about the personality.

The choice of the right pseudonym

Before setting up the profile for dating portals, it usually requires the definition of a pseudonym or nickname. Most users choose a combination of their first name and the year. To stand out from the gray crow a bit more creativity is needed. It is advantageousif the nickname already indicates the personality gives. While men prefer playful names with attractive attributes such as sweet, to women they are more likely to be referred to by cultured names such as Romeo.

The application text for the business card

If the user name is fixed then it depends on the design of the profile. Here, the more personal information about size, weight, looks, as well as hobbies, interests and values are to be given properly. If the profile is original, lively and detailed then the user stands out from the gray singlemasse and receives many suitable requests from the ladies in Russian dating sites. Since the profile visitors should know who they are dealing with, it is important not to pretend but to be honest. Especially the free texts demand a certain amount of creativity.

With these tips you are guaranteed to be positive

  • Stay self-critical without losing sight of your charms

  • Do not exaggerate the beauty but be honest

  • Describe as many details as possible but keep them short and concise

  • Do not use too many emojis or exclamation points

  • Avoid negative comments and desperate phrases such as “lonely” or “desperately seeking”

  • Users should take sufficient time to check the texts for spelling mistakes and update the profile regularly

Conclusion: Please smile

The profile photo is the cherry on the icing and for that reason not to take lightly. Especially with casual dating portals most members pay particular attention to the outside. A photo increases the chances many times that an interested party announces itself. Since the photo is the first thing a visitor perceives of a potential candidate before they deal with the profile, there are some tips to consider. Watch out for the quality, the background, the light, the pose, the facial expressions, the clothing, the make-up and remember, expression is everything.