Category Archives: For Women

Must Do’s and Definite Don’ts About Your Online Dating Profile Photos

Posting photos on your online dating profile can feel agonizing, especially for women and most especially for women who are dating later in life. Writing a profile and filling out questionnaires can be a challenge, but the posting pictures part is the hardest part for many. It's true that you're putting yourself out there and a lot of men are going to look at you. And we've all heard about men being very visual, so it makes some sense that you're concerned you can be rejected for your looks. If you're having that experience, or this is something that is keeping you Read More

Do’s and Don’ts About Online Profile Photos for Women Dating after 40

Posting photos on your online dating profile can feel agonizing, especially for women and most especially for women who are dating later in life. Writing a profile and filling out questionnaires can be a challenge, but the posting pictures part is the hardest part for many. It's true that you're putting yourself out there and a lot of men are going to look at you. And we've all heard about men being very visual, so it makes some sense that you're concerned you can be rejected for your looks. If you're a women using online dating after 40, and you're having that Read More

#1 Secret To Approaching Women

Want to know the #1 Secret to approaching women AND getting a woman to respond to you positively?? (meaning they want you and feel attraction towards you) The secret is: MINDSET!!! I know it's not what you were expecting at all but hear me out for a second. No woman wants to be a approached by a guy who is: 1. Nervous 2. In his head 3. Doubting himself 4. Caring too much about what she wants or thinks 5. Thinking he's not good enough for her or coming up with some other belief/excuse as to why he can't approach her. I can go on and on but you Read More

A ‘connection’ or having ‘so much in common’ isn’t the same as intimacy

“We have an amazing connection”, said so many people who are struggling to understand why they're not experiencing deep, committed, loving, progressing, balanced, consistent relationships with the very people that they're referring to. “But, we have so much in common!”, said many a confused person who doesn't share the common ground of the same perception and commitment to the relationship. All the mutual pain, admiration, shared experiences, attraction, hobbies, interests, orgasms etc., in the world, will not make a difference if when it all boils down to it, you don't share core common values and are not copiloting a mutual relationship Read More

36 Questions To Ask Women That Make Her Want You

I just got sent this interesting article called “How to fall in love with anyone: Ask 36 questions and stare into their eyes for four minutes”. Apparently the New York Times recently published a story about a study that discovered that if you put two people in a lab together where they ask each other 36 questions and then stare deeply into each others eyes, they will fall in love. The article that I was forwarded was another article written by a woman, attempting to disprove this study by doing everything the study said to do but NOT fall in love. Read More