Time To Spice Things Up In The Bedroom? Here’s How

Within relationships, especially long-term ones, things can often get a little stale in the bedroom department. This can be as a result of any number of things, boredom, changing bodies, lack of ambition or even as a result of outside stresses, if you are in this boat then fear not, there are plenty of ways to spice up your sex life.

Sex is an important part of the relationship, it brings you closer together and let’s be honest, it’s a hell of a lot of fun!! Let’s take a look at how you can bring the fiery passion back to the bedroom.

Watching Porn

Watching porn can really get you both going and introducing it into sex with your partner can be a huge turn on. Discuss with your partner what kind of porn they like to watch, this isn’t just about the man either there is plenty of porn for women online. Start off by just watching and then gradually get into the throes of sex whilst the videos are still playing, a great trick here is to try and emulate what you watch, as though you were in the porn movie, that will be enough to really heat things up.

Whips and Chains

Sexual tastes change through the years and even if you’ve never considered it before, a little but of bondage could really turn you on. Start off slowly, perhaps a whip or some handcuffs, if you really like it then you can start buying up chains and masks to get some real thrills in the bedroom.

Role Play

As cutting as it may sound, one can get bored with having sex with the same person for too long, it is entirely natural. To alleviate this boredom role playing is the perfect tonic and you can tap into your partner’s wildest fantasies. There is a huge amount of options for you when it comes to role playing, you could dress up like a character who turns your partner on you could pretend to be having an affair, you could even mock up a scene that you have watched in a pornographic movie. Have a chat with your partner, an open conversation and decide on a role play scenario, you may be surprised at just how much this can help inject the passion back in to your love life.

Get Risky

Taking risks boosts adrenalin and get the blood pumping around your body, there is something about the fear of getting caught doing something that really gives a high. If that something that you are doing is having sex, then the high becomes even greater and to really spice up sex with your partner, it’s time to take some risks. Having sex outdoors or in a public place can be dangerous and you may get caught but that is exactly why you should try it out. You don’t need to make a habit of it, simply doing it once or twice can be enough to improve your sex life on the whole and ensure that things are no longer stale.